Parsa Aghaei
Product Designer

Laundry Loop

The innovative laundry-sharing platform where users can conveniently outsource their laundry to fellow community members.

Project Brief

Let neighbors who have in-unit laundry do your laundry, pay them for their service! 

This is a laundry-sharing platform where users can conveniently outsource their laundry to fellow community members. Schedule pickups, set preferences, and let trusted individuals take care of your laundry needs, saving you time while supporting a vibrant community of laundry enthusiasts.

Project Mission

Our mission at Laundry Loop is to revolutionize the laundry experience by empowering individuals to connect and collaborate in a community-driven platform. We aim to transform the chore of laundry into an opportunity for mutual support and convenience, fostering trust, efficiency, and a sense of belonging among our users. Together, we're redefining the way laundry is done, one load at a time.


will this concept work best?

• Cities where in-unit and in-building laundry is rare-in
• Cities with busy individuals


would want to utilize this product?

• People who wish to save time doing laundry
• People who have free time and need additional income


do we need Laundry Loop?

• A major portion of people in large cities do not have in-unit laundry
• There are old buildings that don't have laundry in building

Design Process

How much does it cost to own in-unit laundry?


People in Chicago are unwilling to pay more than $76 per month for an in-unit washer and dryer.


Renters in pay an average premium of 20% on their rent for their own washer/dryer.

More older buildings in a city = Fewer in-unit laundries

Cost Analysis

How much do people pay per laundry load?

New York City

$6 - $14

Per Load for Wash and Dry


$4 - $8

Per Load for Wash and Dry

Los Angeles

$6 - $10

Per Load for Wash and Dry


$4 - $9

Per Load for Wash and Dry

User Personas

What do users think of the concept?

Inclusivity is key when creating experiences. By interviewing individuals from Gen Z to Boomers, we gained valuable insights into diverse laundry habits and preferences. This ensures that Laundry Loop is user-friendly and meets the needs of all age groups, making laundry chores a breeze for everyone.

Meet Sally

Boomer / Recently Retired / Akron, OH

Sally likes using Laundry Loop to turn her laundry expertise into a valuable source of income. With flexible work opportunities offered by the platform, she enjoys earning extra money while providing essential services to her community.


• People who wish to save time doing laundry
• People who have free time and need additional income

Pain Points

• People who wish to save time doing laundry
• People who have free time and need additional income


• People who wish to save time doing laundry
• People who have free time and need additional income

Meet Gregory

Gen Z / Designer / Orlando, FL

Gregory appreciates Laundry Loop for its convenience and efficiency, allowing him to  outsource his laundry chores and free up time for his  schedules. Additionally, the collaborative aspect of the platform appeals to his tech-savvy side, offering a modern solution to a traditional task.


• People who wish to save time doing laundry
• People who have free time and need additional income

Pain Points

• People who wish to save time doing laundry
• People who have free time and need additional income


• People who wish to save time doing laundry
• People who have free time and need additional income

UI/UX Design

Style Guides
Visual Identity
Starting an Order

The experience of starting an order already appears familiar to users cause it is so much like getting an Uber or ordering food. You are presented with nearby options and their base price. Once you tap each option, you will be presented with a brief information about the Laundry Looper who will do your laundry.

Customizing your Order

We care about your clothes.

Everybody wants their laundry done a certain way. This gives the user a chance to communicate their specific asks to the laundry looper in simple steps. First tell them how heavily you need them washed, then choose a timeframe that you need it by, lastly, check additional asks. All throughout the process you will be able to see how much the order is going to cost you including taxes so there are no surprises in the end.

Waiting Experience

Waiting can be fun(ish)!

Nobody likes to wait. Laundry Loop app tries to make the process as informative as possible for the users to keep the engaged and less frustrated.

Laundry History & Settings

Users are incentivized to keep a balance inside their account - similar to laundry cards. You can access your laundry history and rate the laundry loopers that did your laundry and give them reviews.

Login and register

A login page is how every journey with an app begins. The login and registration is easy and simple with hints of humorous remarks.

Lessons Learned and Takeaways

I collected multiple important takeaways to keep into considerations not exclusive to this app but for any product that targets mass-use. Below are the highlights:

User Engagement and Trust:
Features that allow for customization and transparent pricing build trust and enhance user engagement. Ensuring users have control over how their laundry is handled can lead to higher satisfaction.

Community Building:
Encouraging interactions such as rating and reviewing laundry providers fosters a sense of community and accountability, enhancing the overall user experience.

Market-Specific Strategies:
Tailoring the service and its pricing according to the specific market conditions of different cities ensures better adoption and satisfaction among users allows for more inclusive adoption of the product.

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Copyright Parsa Aghaei Twenty24