Sun Diego Drive-Through URgent Care Center Architecture

A free-standing urgent care center with permanent drive-through stations.

About the Project

The emergence of COVID-19 led healthcare facilities to resort to novel means of delivering healthcare. While drive-throughs have been functioning for a long time, their permanent use and attachment in healthcare has not been investigated. This urgent care center aims to provide convenience to patients while increasing throughput using drive-through stations with a unique patient experience. The outcomes would elevate patient safety by improving infection control. In essence, this is a free-standing urgent care center located in San Diego, CA with permanent drive-through stations.


Location: San Diego, California, USA
Designer: Parsa Aghaei
Setting Type: Free-standing Urgent Care Center
Area: 11,670 SF
Parking: 35
Exam Rooms: 8
Procedure Rooms: 2

Design Process
Project Scope

The project can be divided into three sections:
1- Research
2- Product Design
3- Architectural Design
This page will discuss the architectural design portion of the design. To see the Research and Product Design components, please click here.

Research & Analysis

Research Goal

The research aimed to validate the concept and evaluate users' attitude towards the use of drive-throughs as a healthcare delivery method.

Research Methods

Survey (174 participants)
Post Occupancy Evaluation of Existing Urgent Cares


Published in HERD Journal


Demographic Info

Two methods of research were implemented to make informed decisions on the design of the facility. 
1- A survey was distributed among the general public to determine the willingness of people toward using drive-through as a means to deliver healthcare services 
2- A post-occupancy evaluation (POE) of a well-designed UCC was done over interviews with three different principal healthcare architects across the US. 

Research: Post-Occupancy Evaluation (POE)

A free-standing urgent care center with a similar program in Texas was chosen as a case study to learn lessons from and do not repeat the same mistakes. A list of questions was presented over online interviews to principal architects for them to rate them from 1 to 5. Three open-ended questions were also asked from them at the end.

Site Analysis

Site Selection
Why San Diego?

The design is based on patients who drive cars. Thus, the city of San Diego was chosen based on data showing a low percentage of households without vehicles.​​​​​​​

Architectural Design


The form was to be in line with the beach life of people in San Diego aesthetically. The roof resembles a sea wave. The materials in the elevation resemble colors typically found in the beach.

Interior Design

Follow the Orange!

The patients can find their way from the parking lot to the exam rooms by following objects and signs in orange color. Everything that needs a visitor's attention has a saturated orange color in line with branding. Environmental graphics lead patients to areas where they need to go.

Drive-Through Stations

Contactless Experience

The registration process can be done either on the phone or through the app. First, the patient scans the QR code on the screen, then registers their name, and will finally be given a queue number. The same information as the patient enters on the phone will be visible on the screens ahead of them.

Lessons Learned and Conclusion

This project was extremely complex considering the innovations that were proposed for an extremely conservative field (healthcare), but the research shows it patients and healthcare providers could extremely benefit from it. Here are some key takeaways that I collected during the journey:
Emphasizing Infection Control and Efficiency
Drive-through healthcare can significantly reduce the risk of infection and improve the efficiency of patient care. Emphasizing these benefits can help attract and retain users.
Ensuring Seamless Integration
The healthcare provider app should offer features that allow for efficient schedule management, patient overview, and easy prescription handling. The process must not feel like an additional burden to users.
Leveraging Familiar Concepts
Utilizing familiar concepts like traffic lights for waiting times and QR codes for check-ins can enhance user comfort and ease of use.These elements can make the drive-through experience more intuitive and reduce user anxiety.

Next Steps

The following are steps are to followed to bring the project into reality and adoption by healthcare providers across the country.

Technology IntegrationDevelop Mobile Apps
Build and test the mobile apps for both patients and healthcare providers. Ensure that the apps are intuitive, easy to navigate, and seamlessly integrate all necessary features. Implement way-finding screens and other digital interfaces in the drive-through facility. Test these components for ease of use and effectiveness in guiding patients through the process.

Pilot Program ImplementationSelect Pilot Locations
Identify strategic locations for the pilot program, focusing on areas with a mix of demographics, including both young and elderly populations. Set up drive-through healthcare facilities in these locations, ensuring they are equipped with all necessary technology and infrastructure.

Raise Awareness
Develop a marketing campaign to raise awareness about the drive-through healthcare service. Highlight the benefits such as reduced infection risk, convenience, and efficiency. Engage with local communities to build trust and encourage adoption. Host informational sessions, Q&A events, and provide materials that explain the service in detail.

Regulatory Compliance
Ensure that all aspects of the drive-through healthcare service comply with local and national healthcare regulations. This includes HIPAA concerns, safety protocols, and quality of care standards among many others.

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Copyright Parsa Aghaei Twenty24
Parsa Aghaei
Product Designer